All the articles I've posted.
Microsoft ASP.NET Member/Role Management with IIS (VB Version)
Published: at 08:00 PM<p>Back in January of 2006, I published on <a href="/2006/01/09/microsoft-aspnet-20-memberrole-management-with-iis/"> MSDN an article and source code for managing ASP.NET 2.0 Membership users with an ObjectDataSource.</a> Since I'm not much of a VB person, I only published them in c#. since then, I've had hundreds of requests for this code in VB. Until now, I've had to send an excuse for not having it. Now, thanks to Dave at <a href=""> Tangible Solutions Software</a>, we now have a VB version.</p>
Resetting Password with ASP.NET 2.0 Membership and Multiple Providers
Published: at 08:00 PMIf you ever have wanted to be able to programmatically change (reset) a users password while at the same time continuing to be able to use the question and answer feature, this post is for you.
Boise Idaho Code Camp, Standing Room Only!
Published: at 08:00 PMA short report from Boise Idaho Code Camp. i did a new ObjectDataSource with .NetTiers DAL presentation to a standing room only audience.
I've been Tagged! (my five things)
Published: at 08:00 PM<p><br /> <br /> I've been Tagged! my 5 things (click on more for details)<br /> <br /> 1. I started my career as a rocket scientist<br /> <br /> 2. I played the violin for 5 years (OK, sort of)<br /> <br /> 3. I ran my College Fraternities initiation when I was a senior at Cornell University. <br /> <br /> 4. Born to Schmooze (but Not very smart about it)<br /> <br /> 5. I ride a unicycle (maybe not anymore)</p>
The Vista/Office/Exchange MSAM Launch Event
Published: at 08:00 PMMicrosoft asked me to help out at the Launch event here near my home in San Jose, California. My job, was to hang out at the "Ask The Experts" community table and answer people's questions.