All the articles I've posted.
Silicon Valley Code Camp Presentation Sunday 10/28, 1:15 at Foothill College
Published: at 08:00 PMPlease come join me for my presentation at Foothill College this coming weekend on Silverlight.
Silicon Valley Code Camp Schedule Almost Ready!
Published: at 08:00 PMSilicon Valley Code Camp Schedule Almost Ready... come back in a couple days.
How to Set the Default Value of a DropDownList in an ASP.NET Page
Published: at 08:00 PM<p> This article shows how to set the default Value of a DropDownList Control when using 2.0. It uses the DataBound event to do it. A full page example which can be cut and paste is included</p>
Silverlight Dev Camp San Francisco, Saturday, The Main Show!
Published: at 08:00 PM<br /> <p>On Day 2 of the Silverlight Dev Camp In San Francisco there were lots of great presentations. I gave one on adding animation to a silverilght application using blend, then wiring it up to work with Silverlight Alpha 1.1. I also showed Searchlight and DiggPopular. Two Silverlight applications I've written. This post includes my slide deck and source for what I demonstrated. </p> <br /> <img src="/wp/Images/SilverLightDevCampSF/petertalking1_t.jpg" alt="Peter Presenting Searchlight and DiggPopular at 4:30 to 5PM" />
Silverlight Dev Camp San Francisco, Friday Night Opening Ceremonies!
Published: at 08:00 PM<p>Silverlight Dev Camp starts out with a bang! Lots of attendees and lots of fun.</p> <a href="/wp/Images/SilverLightDevCampSF/SilverlightDevCampLeadersFridayNight.jpg"> <img src="/wp/Images/SilverLightDevCampSF/SilverlightDevCampLeadersFridayNight_t.jpg" alt="Joe Kleinschmidt promising more beer for everyone" class="style1" /></a>