All the articles I've posted.
Handling Query Parameters in Next.js 13 React Server Components
Published: at 08:00 PMNext.js has always been at the forefront of providing streamlined experiences for React developers. With the introduction of React Server Components in Next.js 13, the framework has unlocked even greater potential. One of the standout features of these server components is their ability to manage server-side logic directly, eliminating the need for separate API routes. This integration streamlines the process of data fetching and other server-side tasks.
Redis Explained, Memory Metrics and Performance Insights
Published: at 08:00 PMRedis is an unmistakable presence in the world of databases, particularly for its blazing speed. But what’s the secret sauce behind its quicksilver performance? Today, we're going to shed some light on Redis's in-memory operations, determine how to gauge its memory consumption, and decipher some of the enigmatic metrics it yields.
ChatGPT for Code Reviews Accurate but Lacks Initiative
Published: at 08:00 PMChatGPT can be an asset in code review but lacks the instinct to suggest improvements or identify gaps that a junior developer might easily catch. While it does what it's told, don't expect it to go above and beyond.
Using Prisma to Bridge JavaScript Devs to Databases with Elegance
Published: at 08:00 PMConfused about Prisma's approach to database joins and when to use raw SQL versus native functions? Dive into this post for clarity. We demystify Prisma's handling of database relationships and guide you on when to leverage the precision of raw SQL within the Prisma ecosystem
Using Prisma with TypeScript for Rapid Database Query Testing
Published: at 08:00 PMPrisma, paired with TypeScript and Node.js, empowers developers with a swift, direct-to-console query testing environment. This streamlined approach facilitates quick prototyping and refinement, eliminating the need for complex service or web page integration. It's a modern developer's toolkit for effortless database interactions, offering a rapid feedback loop for the perfect query. Dive in and simplify your database journey!