All the articles I've posted.
Moving From Casini to IIS, Login Fails. How come?
Published: at 08:00 PMWhat to do when an web application you wrote worked fine in developement (VS2005) but when you move it to IIS, you can no longer login using the Membership Provider you configured under development.
How To Show All Items Using a DropDownList and a GridView Control in ASP.NET 2.0 with VS2005
Published: at 08:00 PMThis article will show how to implement a showall item in a DropDownList using GridView with ASP.NET 2.0. It does it by dynamically changing the SelectParameters associated with a SqlDataSource.
Code Camp At Foothill College on 10/7 and 10/8 is Going Great!
Published: at 08:00 PMAs many of you know, I've been organizing CodeCamp here in Silicon Valley (Northern California) for the past month or so. We are up to almost 700 attendees and over 40 presenters! Oh my.
Get SqlDataSource To Retrieve DefaultValue of Current User (ExpressionBuilder with ASP.NET 2.0)
Published: at 08:00 PM<p> This article shows how to use Expression Builders in ASP.NET 2.0 to retrieve the current logged in user. DataBinding will not work so Expression Builders is the ticket. A small source file is created, the refernces to web.config are shown and a simple example is built.</p>
Integrating PBWiki with .Net Using the New PBWiki API, The Start of a .Net API
Published: at 08:00 PMIn this article we will demonstrate a technique used to automatically add Wiki Pages to PBWiki using the not quite released API provided by the peanut butter guys. The demonstration will involve integrating scheduled presentations at our Silicon Valley Code Camp on October 7th and 8th each with its own Wiki Page. Without the API, creating and linking the presentation to a Wiki page would have to be an ugly manual process involving the dreaded cut and pasting of URL's.