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Building a Drag-and-Drop Interface in React: Beyond Basic React

Updated: at 12:29 AM

Building a Drag-and-Drop Interface in React: Beyond Basic React

Creating interactive web applications often requires more than just the basic functionalities provided by React. One such feature is the drag-and-drop interface, a staple in modern web design for enhancing user experience and interactivity. However, implementing this feature in React can sometimes necessitate a more direct interaction with the DOM than what React’s declarative nature typically encourages. This is where the useRef hook comes into play, offering a bridge between React’s virtual world and the direct, imperative DOM manipulations needed for complex interactions like drag-and-drop.

Why useRef is Key for Drag-and-Drop in React

React’s useRef hook serves multiple purposes, but its ability to persistently hold a mutable value across renders without causing re-renders itself is what makes it invaluable for drag-and-drop functionality. This feature allows us to keep track of DOM elements and any piece of data that needs to stay consistent across renders—perfect for tracking the state of our drag-and-drop interactions without interfering with React’s rendering lifecycle.

A Simple Drag-and-Drop Example

Let’s dive into a simple drag-and-drop example to illustrate these concepts. We’ll create a basic toolbar where items can be dragged from and dropped into different containers. Along the way, we’ll use useRef to manage a toolbar parameter that influences the behavior of our drag-and-drop logic.

Project Setup

Assuming you have a basic understanding of setting up a Next.js (or similar React-based) project, we’ll skip the setup details and jump straight into the code.

Step 1: Setting Up Our Components

First, let’s create our draggable item and container components.

// DraggableItem.tsx
import React from 'react';

const DraggableItem = ({ id, onDragStart }) => {
  return (
      onDragStart={(e) => onDragStart(e, id)}
      className="cursor-pointer border p-2 m-2"
      Drag me {id}

export default DraggableItem;
// DropContainer.tsx
import React, { useRef } from 'react';

const DropContainer = ({ onDrop }) => {
  const ref = useRef(null);

  const handleDrop = (e) => {

  const handleDragOver = (e) => {

  return (
      className="border-dashed border-2 p-4 m-2"
      Drop here

export default DropContainer;

Step 2: Implementing the Drag-and-Drop Logic

Now, let’s set up our main component that uses these two child components.

// App.tsx
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import DraggableItem from './DraggableItem';
import DropContainer from './DropContainer';

const App = () => {
  const [draggedItem, setDraggedItem] = useState(null);

  const handleDragStart = (e, id) => {

  const handleDrop = (container) => {
    console.log(`Item ${draggedItem} dropped into container`, container);
    // Here you can implement further logic to handle the drop action

  return (
    <div className="app">
      <DraggableItem id="1" onDragStart={handleDragStart} />
      <DropContainer onDrop={handleDrop} />

export default App;

Step 3: Using useRef for a Toolbar Parameter

Imagine our toolbar has a parameter that affects the drag-and-drop behavior, such as a “snap to grid” feature. We can use useRef to manage this parameter.

// Inside App.tsx
const snapToGridEnabled = useRef(false);

const toggleSnapToGrid = () => {
  snapToGridEnabled.current = !snapToGridEnabled.current;
  console.log(`Snap to grid: ${snapToGridEnabled.current}`);

We can then modify our handleDrop to consider this parameter.

const handleDrop = (container) => {
  if (snapToGridEnabled.current) {
    // Snap item to the grid logic here
  console.log(`Item ${draggedItem} dropped into container`, container);

Why This Matters

In this example, useRef is used to track the “snap to grid” feature’s state without re-rendering our component every time it changes. This is crucial for performance, especially in complex drag-and-drop scenarios where many items are being moved around quickly. By avoiding unnecessary renders, we ensure our application remains responsive and efficient.


Building a drag-and-drop interface in React showcases the need for a deeper interaction with the DOM, bridging the gap between React’s virtual DOM and the imperative world of direct DOM manipulation. The useRef hook emerges as a powerful tool in this context, allowing us to maintain mutable state across renders without triggering re-renders, making it perfect for tracking the state of our drag-and-drop interactions and other dynamic behaviors.

Through this simple example, we’ve seen how useRef can be leveraged to enhance the functionality and performance of interactive React applications, demonstrating its value beyond just accessing DOM elements. As you build more complex interfaces, keep useRef in mind as a versatile tool in your React toolkit.

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