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Using Prisma with TypeScript for Rapid Database Query Testing

Updated: at 02:13 PM

Using Prisma with TypeScript for Rapid Database Query Testing

When you’re deep in the thick of development, there are times you’d prefer to bypass the overhead of routing database queries through web pages or custom services. You might find yourself itching for a faster way to write, test, and refine a query. Enter Prisma, a database tool for modern developers. Together with TypeScript and Node.js, it offers a rapid means of testing database queries in a streamlined, direct-to-console environment.

Intro to Prisma: Building Database Apps with JavaScript, Simplified

Prisma is an open-source database toolkit that aids in accessing databases in a type-safe manner. It boasts a robust query engine and a straightforward syntax, making it easier for JavaScript developers to work with databases. One key feature is its type-safe auto-generated client, which is a game-changer in preventing runtime errors.

Setting up Our Simple Node Project with TypeScript and Prisma

  1. Initiate the Project

    Let’s kick things off with a fresh Node.js project:

    mkdir prisma-query-tester && cd prisma-query-tester
    npm init -y
  2. Install Necessary Packages

    With the project initialized, let’s add TypeScript, Prisma, and their corresponding dependencies:

    npm install typescript ts-node @types/node prisma
  3. Setup TypeScript Configuration

    Create a tsconfig.json at the root:

      "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "es6",
        "module": "commonjs",
        "strict": true,
        "esModuleInterop": true,
        "skipLibCheck": true,
        "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
        "outDir": "./dist"
      "include": ["src/**/*.ts"],
      "exclude": ["node_modules"]

    This sets the base TypeScript configuration. We’re considering all .ts files within a src directory.

  4. Initialize Prisma

    To set up Prisma, run:

    npx prisma init

    This creates a prisma directory containing the schema.prisma file.

  5. Configure Database in schema.prisma

    Let’s say you’re using SQLite for simplicity:

    datasource db {
      provider = "sqlite"
      url      = "file:./dev.db"
    model User {
      id    Int    @id @default(autoincrement())
      name  String
  6. Generate Prisma Client

    Run the migrations to create the database and generate the client:

    npx prisma migrate dev --name init
  7. Write and Test Our Database Query

    Create a file named queryTester.ts in the src directory:

    import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client';
    const prisma = new PrismaClient();
    async function main() {
      const newUser = await prisma.user.create({
        data: {
          name: "John Doe"
      console.log("New user:", newUser);
      const allUsers = await prisma.user.findMany();
      console.log("All users:", allUsers);
      .catch(e => {
        throw e
      .finally(async () => {
        await prisma.$disconnect();

    To run it:

    npx ts-node src/queryTester.ts

    When executed, this script inserts a new user into the database and then fetches all users, printing the results directly to the console.

The Benefit: A Tight Development Loop

In the quest to nail down the perfect query, this setup is invaluable. It detaches you from the clutches of routing your queries through complex services or web pages. With the direct feedback loop to your console, refinement becomes a breeze. So the next time you’re stumped on how to debug a query or prototype a new one, remember this approach—it’s like having a database sandbox at your fingertips!

The technicalities of updating servers, like the nuances of NextJS’s getStaticProps and the 304-to-404 transition, can sometimes be overshadowed. However, tools like Prisma make the intricacies more digestible. Happy querying!

Check out the ORM (Object Relational Mapper) PRISMA. The database access method I use in all my projects