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INETA Speaker Gig Last Night at Fresno’s Central California .Net User Group on Windows 8 JavaScript/HTML5/CSS3 Development

Updated: at 12:10 AM

Let me start by saying three words. “CRASH AND BURN”.  Well, I guess that makes it sound much worse than it really was, however I have to say that I don’t enjoy when create a brand new project, press “Run” and it crashes with a funky license error.  Especially when I’ve come from out of town as an INETA speaker to talk about developing in Windows 8 with HTML5 / CSS3 and JavaScript to the Central California .Net Users Group.  People have high expectations!  I had done about 10 practice run through on the AmTrak train on the way to Fresno and no time did I have an issue.  First time in the actual meeting and the demo gods struck!  Here is the screen I was greeted with:



Or, for the jpg-challenged:

Error    2    0xC0020012 : While preparing to install the b5d701c0-28f8-415e-a986-ebae057cc7c5_1.0.0.0_neutral__tp1tpcm9wdwpy package, the system failed to register the windows.licensing extension due to the following error: <Error message string not found>.    Application5

I still don’t know what caused this, but I’m sure I’ll find out.  This is my third time doing this presentation and usually that means there will be a fourth.   For those that don’t know what I did, basically, I built a Silicon Valley Code Camp Speaker Viewer.  Below is a picture of that running on my Samsung Build Tablet as well as my introduction to the session PowerPoint slide.

Let’s home next time goes smoother.


2012-04-11 18.25.19

2012-04-11 18.16.37


For those that are interested, here is my PowerPoint slides and my Visual Studio 2011 Metro HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript Project.

Download VS2011 Solution: Windows 8 Metro VS 2011 Solution Zipped

PowerPoint Slides SessionInfo.pps

Check out the ORM (Object Relational Mapper) PRISMA. The database access method I use in all my projects