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Presenting In San Francisco 3/21/2012 (Wednesday): First Blood With Windows 8 Metro Programming in JavaScript and HTML5/CSS3

Updated: at 12:10 AM



Microsoft San Francisco Office
835 Market Street, Suite 700
San Francisco, CA 94103

Wednesday, March 21st, 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
(Check-in begins at 6:00 PM)

Due to tightening of security rules at the Microsoft building, we cannot let people in without an escort. To make sure you get in the meeting without trouble, please try to arrive before 6:30, and kindly ask the security guard to badge you in or call up for an escort.?Thanks for your help!

Pizza will be ordered so be sure to register before 10:30am on the day of the event.

Event registration:

Event Description

Do you want to know what it would be like to build your first Windows 8 Metro App in HTML5/CSS3 with the BUILD bits distributed by Microsoft last year? Having just submitted an app to the windows 8 app store contest, I (Peter Kellner) will give you a guided tour of the steps I went through. This includes running the preview of Blend (HTML5 only), Visual Studio 2011 Preview, all the sample code Microsoft provides as well as the documentation you will run into if you try to do the same thing. Windows 8 Metro programming is going to be too big for any of us to ignore. If you want to get a jump start on this new way of programming windows programming, come to the presentation and hopefully, save yourself many hours of newby mistakes (like I made). Hope to see you there!

Presenters' Bio

Peter Kellner, a Microsoft ASP.NET MVP since 2007, is founder and president of ConnectionRoad, and a seasoned software professional specializing in high quality, scalable and extensible .Net web applications. His experience includes building and leading engineering teams both on and off shore. When not working, Peter spends most his free time biking. He has ridden his bike across the globe. Most recently he and his wife, Tammy, rode across the U.S., from California to Georgia, in just 27 days. You can find his blog at, and follow him on Twitter @pkellner


6:00 doors open (pizza and drinks)
6:10 - 6:25 Lightning talks
6:30 announcements
6:45 - 8:15 presentation
8:15 - 8:30 raffle
This event is sponsored by JetBrains and PluralSight.

Bay.NET is a California Nonprofit Corporation operated entirely by volunteers and we are proud of our service to the .NET community of the greater San Francisco Bay Area. We regularly provide world-class speakers at no cost to our members. We offer a full-day "Education Day" once every quarter for a nominal registration fee.

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