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With Visual Studio 2010 (and vs2011 preview) Fast Launch Not Helpful Often

Updated: at 12:10 AM


Let’s say I’ve created two Visual Studio Projects with the same name “WebApp” but reside in different directories as shown below (c:\temp\Proj1 and c:\temp\Proj2).  I often call the project WebApp, however I want to keep the projects totally separate.  Below are the File/New Project dialog examples.





Now, when I click start (this is with the vs2011 preview I’m demonstrating), I see the following:




I actually have to hover over each “WebApp.sln” to tell which project is which.  I think that information should be in the pinned app itself, not require a hover over to tell which project it is.

Agree?  Add your comment below and go to the following link to vote up my connect suggestion.

From the comments, Microsoft said they would consider it for the next release, but it looks like it has not made it.  Let’s try and change that!

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