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Tip for Using SQLServer To Count By Alpha Names in a list

Updated: at 02:12 PM


So, this is not a big tip, but worth at least 10 minutes to figure it out on your own.  Here is to saving you 10 minutes:


SELECT LEFT (userlastname, 1) as alpha,
FROM attendees
SELECT attendeesid
FROM AttendeesCodeCampYear
WHERE codecampyearid = 6
GROUP BY LEFT (userlastname, 1)O
ORDER BY LEFT (userlastname, 1)

It’s pretty self explanatory.  Our case is we have two tables that we track code camp attendees.  One is the master list, and the other is a detail by year.  (6 is this year)



And, the results:

> NULL    1

>        6

> .       1

> @       1

> _       18

> A       319

> B       488

> C       543

> Ç       2

> D       313

> E       84

> F       169

> g       368

> H       340

> I       49

> J       190

> K       474

> L       460

> M       592

> N       255

> O       79

> P       427

> Q       14

> R       336

> S       776

> T       302

> u       27

> V       191

> w       296

> X       21

> y       176

> Z       100

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