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Learning Ext JS 3.2 From PACKT Is Another Winner!

Updated: at 02:13 PM

The same authors who write the original Learning Ext JS are back and definitely with a winner here.  Just to start out, the book is about a third longer, has a new contributing author (Nigel White, aka “Animal” on the ExtJS Forums) and definitely packs a lot more content.  You get the feeling these guys took the feedback they got on the first book and went to town.

To start with, they have lots and lots of examples covering a lot more areas. There is a lot more architectural discussions that really help in building high end ExtJS applications. Chapter 13 for example is completely devoted to code reuse (extending ExtJS).  New features such as Ext.Direct are discussed extensively as well as the new graphics library (but don’t take that too seriously because it is being replaced with a non-flash version in ExtJS 4.0 which is coming out soon).

Overall, I give this book a solid A.  I’m even fortunate enough to get mine signed by Shea Frederick, one of the authors (see picture below).




Hope you get a chance to read this great book!

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