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Sprint Samsung Epic 4G Verses HTC EVO 4G Camera

Updated: at 12:10 AM

First, let me say I’m not a professional photographer or even a good amateur one, but I do take a lot of pictures.  You can look up the spec on line, but basically, the Epic has a 5MP camera and the EVO has an 8MP pixel.  I wish I kept some originals from the EVO but I did not. 

My impression is that the EVO camera did a better job of making pictures in all kinds of light just look better.  I could be wrong.  I’m attaching a picture of a friend of mine I took and uploaded to facebook, first with the EVO, then with the Epic.  The EVO was taken later in the day without so much sunlight.


By the way, my friend Terry is President of Undiscovered Country Tours and one of my best bike buddies.  He runs awesome bike trips in California!  You can find his site here:  If you are looking tour in California, you won’t regret it!




Samsung Epic 4G




I realize the pictures are no where near original size, but just to add some more detail, on the Epic, I had to overexpose the picture as much as I could and it still was a little dark.  The EVO just seemed to work with no mucking around.

Also, for a more detailed review, check out here:  They agree for some real reasons that the HTC EVO 4G Camera is better.  I actually just read this (after I wrote the above) and they totally agree with me.  Here is their quote: “Our test shots showed the Epic returning overly dark outdoor shots in comparison to the EVO 4G, even though they come closer to parity indoors”.

Hope this helps!

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