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More Sessions At Central Coast Code Camp, Ruby/Cloud Computing

Updated: at 02:13 PM


Should Your Application Run In The Cloud

I’m back and sitting in Steve Evans Session, Should Your Application Run In The Cloud.  He’s now explaining how computers, since the stone age, have been running in hosted facilities where you had to worry about things like fire suppression.  Steve is explaining the advantages of cloud computing.

Upfront costs are cheap ($.10 –> $1./hr)


Let's Build a Ruby on Rails App Together

Kristen Hazard of SunToucher presented the basics of Rails starting from the beginning.  She points out that most of the content at this event is .Net, but that doesn’t mean people are interested in other topics.  Kristen let’s us know she’s totally excited about Ruby and Rails. She goes from creating a complete rails app by simply creating a simple command line, all the way through deploying the ruby app to a server with just a simple command also.  Below show just what Kristen thinks of Ruby on Rails.


One more class on my agenda, GIT!

Check out the ORM (Object Relational Mapper) PRISMA. The database access method I use in all my projects