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Just Finished My Presentation at SLO! (Central Coast Code Camp At Cal Poly)

Updated: at 02:13 PM

I love code camps!  This is my first time to San Luis Obispo’s Central Coast Code Camp and I’m really enjoying it.  It started last night with the presenters dinner at a great local steak house.  Steve Evans, one of the camp organizers who invited me to this speakers dinner, got sponsors to pay for our food, go Steve!  Steve has organized the night before at our code camp (Silicon Valley Code Camp) speakers presentation for the past 2 years and I hope he continue that for years to come.

Steve and Scott At Presenters Dinner

(Steve Evans, One of the organizers and Scott Stanfield, CEO of Vertigo and presenter of HTML5 here)

Following a good night sleep, camp began early, 8:30 was registration.



Moving on to the opening ceremony…

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Justin Couto President of Couto Solutions took care of business letting everyone know the lay of the land with the rest of us paying close attention.

The first class started at 9AM. I attended Scott Stanfields’s presentation on HTML5 (pictured below).


Then, I presented on OData and hopefully helped explain some of the Microsoft Acronyms (WCF Data Services, Astoria, ADO.NET Data Services, RIA Services, etc.)  I build a twitter feed against a twitter call, and also build a simple WCF Data Service against our Silicon Valley Code Camp SqlServer Database and showed over 250 sessions that have been delivered.

Well, off to lunch now.  I always plan on posting more, but likely, I’ll just post my session powerpoint and that will be it.  So far, having a great time and thanks to all the organizers for putting on such a great event.

Check out the ORM (Object Relational Mapper) PRISMA. The database access method I use in all my projects