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Awesome Ext Scheduling Component Built By Mats Bryntse

Updated: at 02:13 PM


My friend Mats Bryntse, who you may know from our our San Francisco ExtJS Meetup group based in San Francisco, has written a very pretty impressive scheduling component built for the Ext JS framework.

You can choose between several different time resolutions and easily change the styling since all items shown in the grid are created by a standard Ext Template. The interaction is pretty straight forward, to create a new item in the grid, you just click somewhere and drag. Can’t be any easier. To modify an item you can both resize and use drag and drop. If you are looking for a way to schedule your resources I recommend you check this UX out!


Mats is a great ExtJS developer who builds the highest quality stuff so definitely worth your time if you need a component like this.

Good Luck!

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