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Another Great ExtJS Meetup in San Francisco!

Updated: at 02:13 PM

Last week, we had our 5th Meetup of the San Francisco ExtJS Meetup Group at ClickTime.  Xiaohui Chen and I both presented different aspects of some new features in ExtJS V3. Specifically, I showed you to use the new Proxy Writer to do restful CRUD operations from ExtJS to Asp.Net with ease, and Xioahui presented using the new Direct (RPC calls) ExtJS 3 feature for taking those same CRUD calls but passing them through an RPC gateway rather than through REST type calls.

Lots of great feedback from the group.  Here are some pictures of us.  ClickTime provided pizza and soda (and also BTW, is looking for a great ExtJS/JavaScript/.Net engineer).

ExtJSMeetup1 XiaoHuiPresentingExtJSMeetup


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