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First Blood Using the New Microsoft Web Platform Installer

Updated: at 02:12 PM

At MIX09 this year, Scott Guthrie presented the Web Platform Installer which seemed like an easy way to install specific technologies on an IIS server.  At the moment, I need to test an application that uses PHP so I figure this is a good time to try it.  Over the years, I’ve had several spectacular failures trying to install PHP on IIS.  Now, maybe I will get it right.  So, here we go.

Step 1: Read the walk through ( )

Step 2:  Click Install now  (Can’t find PHP, starting searching the web now)  {Note: 4/14/2009. Turns out I missed an easy step.  See bottom of article for that step}

Found this link:  Install PHP with Microsoft Web Platform Installer 2.0

Step 3: Go Here and try again:


Well, I still don’t see php on the web server choice, but I do see WordPress so I chose to install Wordpress and said go.  Let’s see what happens now.

It’s saying downloading PHP and also MySQL so maybe this is good.  Patiently waiting…

It’s now asking me for WordPress Setup…


And now for the MySql user (pretty impressive)


And, Installing WordPress…



Oops, failed.  Hmm, wasn’t really intereted in wordpress anyhow, just wanted php.


Sounds like it did not like my credentials to MySql.  I thought I di follow all the directions.  I’ll paste the error here:

providerName: createApp
    path: MSDeploy.iisApp/iisApp[@path='wordpress/WPTest']/createApp[@path='wordpress/WPTest']
[9:42:493]Adding dbMySql (Server=localhost;Database=wordpress;uid=pkellner;Pwd=mypass;)
    operationType: Add
    providerName: dbMySql
    path: Server=localhost;Database=wordpress;uid=pkellner;Pwd=peterk;
[9:42:498]The database 'wordpress' could not be created..  Retrying operation 'Add' on object dbMySql (Server=localhost;Database=wordpress;uid=pkellner;Pwd=mypass;).  Attempt 1 of 5.
    originalMessage: The database 'wordpress' could not be created.
    operationType: Add
    retryAttempt: 1
    retryCount: 5

It does say php installed though successfully and that was my goal.

So, let’s see what is in IIS manager (inetmgr) so, I run inetmgr from a command prompt.

Well, interesting, I see some new stuff including Web Platform Installer at the bottom.  I don’t see anything about php, but I do see a WordPress directory so there is some hope php worked.  Here is what I see.


Let’s go into the WordPress base directory and add the only php I know:

Info.php as follows:

<title> PHP Test Script </title>
phpinfo( );
And, Run it:

Woohoo!  It worked!!!!!


Mission Accomplished in about 10 minutes.  Not a perfect experience, but pretty darn good.  BTW, I’m running 64Bit Vista RTM SP1, 4Gig of Ram on a Lenovo W500.

Hope this helps.


{Added 4/14/2009, this is the step I missed to do it correctly}


And then select the PHP checkbox:


Check out the ORM (Object Relational Mapper) PRISMA. The database access method I use in all my projects