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First San Francisco Meetup of ExtJS Group

Updated: at 02:13 PM

As many of you know, I'm learning the JavaScript library ExtJS.  It's basically a very rich development api that allows you to make totally awesome client side control 100% in JavaScript.  It has control that include Grid, Dropdown, Calendar, Image, Drag and Drop, Toolbars, etc.  With ExtJS, you can in a very straight forward way, make interfaces that look like the following:


You can see lots of examples of using ExtJS (usually called E-X-T) here:

At our first meetup, we talked about EXT some and also raffled off a copy of the new ExtJS book called Learning Ext JS generously given to us by one of the authors, Shea Frederick.  We also talked about things we could do together as a group. For our first group project, we decided to work on the sessions page of Silicon Valley Code Camp (the site I wrote) and make that page EXTd.  We broke down parts of that into little pieces and each of us went home with a small assignment to work on.  We plan on meeting again January 20th, 2009 and continue the fun.

Oh, here is a picture of us in our first meetup at the Courtyard Marriott at 2nd and Folsom (San Francisco)


And, in case you forgot, here is the link.  Our next meetup is January 20th,2009. Come Join us!

Check out the ORM (Object Relational Mapper) PRISMA. The database access method I use in all my projects