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Making the RSS Feed From the web site Discoverable

Updated: at 02:13 PM

After adding the RSS feed to our Silicon Valley Code Camp Web site I noticed that the feed was not discoverable by Internet Explorer.  That is, the little RSS Icon on the toolbar was not finding it.


After a little searching around, I discovered that a header tag was needed.  Further searching found a nice web site that helped create this header tag for me.



Then, all I had to do was add that tag to my master page and the page is now discoverable!


   1:  <html xmlns="">
   2:  <head id="Head1" runat="server">
   3:      <title>Silicon Valley Codecamp 2008</title>
   4:      <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" 
   5:         title="Code Camp Rss Feed" 
   6:         href="" /> 
   7:  </head>

Lines 4-6 are the header tag created by the autodiscovery tool listed above.

That's it. Hope this helps. I did not include it in my series on building the code camp web site because it seemed kind of a small point.

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