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Microsoft TechEd 2008 Orlando MVP Community Meeting Place

Updated: at 02:12 PM

This year I had the opportunity to work in the Microsoft MVP Community meeting place (next to the wireless community center) as a game show host, computer runner of the questions, general answer person as well as just hanging out with the gang.  I have to admit it was very fun.  Turns out I was much better at running the computer than being the game show host, but after 4 days this, I realized I had not hosted one game.  Today (Friday) things changed.  Just before leaving for the airport  I got my chance.

Below are pictures taken by Terry showing my solo performance.  No one got any questions right.  We were forced into a tie breaker.  The first tie breaking question (what color was Spok's blood) was answered incorrectly.  The second question, what color was George Washington's white horse was fortunately answered correctly.  Otherwise, I might still be there.

Seriously though, the purpose of this meeting place was to let people know about the MVP program.  Even though Microsoft heavily advertises the program in lots of technical magazines, lots of people don't know about.  As an MVP for the past two years, I was a good person to talk about it.   It was fun for me to talk to lots of people who came by, both MVP's as well as potential MVP's.

Here are some fun pictures.

techedmvp6 techedmvp1
techedmvp2 techedmvp3
techedmvp4  techedmvp5
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