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Microsoft CodeTrip Launches From Venetion Parking lot at MIX08!

Updated: at 02:13 PM

I have to admit, I actually wanted to get on the bus.  About 40 people came to see the majestic CodeTrip bus take off today (Thursday night) from the Venetian's parking garage.  As the Silicon Valley Code Camp guy, I have to say, I get it.  These guys and gals (OK, mostly guys) are going on a 6 week trip spreading code.  Tonight they are just going to Salt Lake City, but what a way to go.  John Stame from the San Francisco Office points to where he plans to meet the bus.  What a schedule!


John Stame from the Microsoft San Francisco Office points to where he plans to meet the bus.  What a schedule!

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Here we have more people giving the bus directions on where to go next.


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And the interior is not to shabby!



So, three of these guys are getting on the bus, and two are paying for it.  Care to guess who is who?



Here we have Tim with his "A" boarding pass.  Let me see, Phoenix is about an hour from here?  Or 3 weeks, depending on how you go.  Sadly for me, I'll be on a business trip in the Ukraine two weeks which overlaps with the bus passing through my neighborhood.

So, if you want to ride along, here is there URL:

Enjoy the ride guys! See you in six weeks when you arrive at the MVP Summit.

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