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Silicon Valley Code Camp 07 at Foothill College, Great Success!!!

Updated: at 02:13 PM

We just wrapped up Silicon Valley Code Camp.  It was an awesome event.  This year was our second time around the block so the preparation wasn't quite as draining as last year.  We did have a new dean (Timothy Woods) to work with at Foothill College and when we initially found that out, I was worried.  What if he doesn't want to do this?  Well, turns out, that could not have further from the case.  Tim was a stellar partner and everything that could go right did.  The weather was perfect, lots of people chipped in for both planning as well as execution, and everything really came together.  We had over 900 registered, 75 sessions, and about 400 on Saturday attending and 250 on Sunday.

Last year, we had the help of giving away 400 copies of Vista Ultimate to draw attendees.  This year, all we had was code!  Lots and lots of code.  They came, they saw, and from what I can see, they are going home and blogging.  Last minute, Microsoft gave us 5 copies of Vista Ultimate to raffle off so that was nice.  Foothill gave away a free class and there were lots of other fun things.

Well, my personal highlight for today (the Monday after code camp) is that the Palo Alto Daily News ran a front page picture of me.  One of my good friends walked by the newspaper stand and my understanding is she broke out laughing when she saw my picture (I bet Arnold's friends don't do this when they see him on the cover).  At any rate, here is the front page below.

To all those reading that participated in Code Camp in one way or another, thank you thank you thank you.  I'd say we all did a great job.

Silicon Valley Code Camp Palo Alto Daily News (Below is the paragraph directly below my picture)
Silicon Valley Code Camp Palo Alto Daily News
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