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Vista Gadget Presentation at Vista Party, Foothill College

Updated: at 02:13 PM

Vista Party At Foothill College

Celebrating the lauch of Vista, a Presentation on Gadgets!

Los Altos, California   February 24th, 2007

Vista Party Vista Party

Today was my first presentation of the new Gadget technology in Vista.  This presentation was done at Foothill College as part of the Vista Party.  The goal was to present gadgets as an overview and give some insight into what it takes to develop them.  Basically, there are two types of gadgets.  Live Gadgets which are designed to run on web sites like, and sidebar gadgets which are full fledged applications that are designed to run just on  Vista.

In addition, I demonstrated the details of building a sidebar gadget that lets you monitor the readyboost technology in Vista.  Unfortunately, it's still a work in progress.  For security reason's I can't figure out how to get the data I need.  I'm hoping at the MVP summit in a couple weeks, someone can help me figure this out.

Check out the ORM (Object Relational Mapper) PRISMA. The database access method I use in all my projects