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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2007 Announcement at Vista/Office Exchange MSAM Launch Event

Updated: at 02:13 PM

Santa Clara, California   February 1, 2007

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Anand Iyer (The Microsoft Evangelist that blogs at
) asked me if I wanted to talk about our upcoming code camp at FootHill College. Having the opportunity to speak in front of hundreds of people about Code Camp seemed was to good a possibility to pass up, so of course
I enthusiastically agreed to say a few words.

I let everyone know what Code Camp's are and what a great community event put on by developers and for developers is.  I let them know we had a very successful one in
Silicon Valley at Foothill College last October and we were just starting the planning of the next one which will likely be the same time frame.  I went on further to talk about what a perfect opportunity it is for both first time speakers as well as veteran's to talk about their favorite topics (once my microphone started working).

There were however some interesting questions that came up that hopefully I fielded pretty well. Other than that, it was fun to see some local buddies.

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