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Rock And Roll Code Camp Presentation

Updated: at 02:13 PM

Rock And Roll Code Camp in Los Angeles Presentation

This is the first time I've presented this material. I've presented on several previous occassions the basic
material on how to build an ObjectDataSource class from scratch but this time was different. Inspired by people
often asking me "what good is the ObjectDataSource", I decided to create a useful example. Since the ObjectDataSource is inherently a complex abstraction, creating a real life demo that can be presented in a short amount of time is a challenge. In this presntation, I hopefully rose to the challenge. Below is the abstract along with the URL to the actual codecamp. Below that is a link to the project that was created at class for
anyone interested in seeing the material.

Lots of nuts and bolts about using ObjectDataSoruce including a real life example using the enterprise data block (NetTiers and CodeSmith).

Build an ASP.NET 2.0 ObjectDataSource From Scratch and Use it with a DAL (NetTiers)

And, Here is the Project Files.  it includes all the .nettiers created code also.  Not easy to build, but you will get the idea.  The project to look at in specific would be the one named: JustODSWeb.  All the others are just .NetTiers support.

Check out the ORM (Object Relational Mapper) PRISMA. The database access method I use in all my projects