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Visual Studio 2015, First and Second Impressions

Updated: at 03:51 PM

The new Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 is out and I have to say I’m hooked. I was previously hooked on Visual Studio 2012 even though I had a license for VS 2013. The reason was that on bigger projects I’d find that editing source files (C#) was just slow. The VS editor would be slow to keep up with my typing and I’d constantly be getting unexplained pauses while VS did some sort of internal management (who knows what and who cares).

I’ve been using VS2015 now for a few weeks and I can 100% say that it is always faster than VS2012 (and of course VS2013).  I also like a lot of the features, one in particular which spurred me to make this post is it shows me (on the method name as shown below) when the file was last updated. It knows that because it automatically tied back to the Git repository.  Very Nice!

So, if you have not updated yet, I recommend doing it.


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