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Angular and ngAnnotate, a Better Way

Updated: at 02:13 PM

I recently posted to StackOverflow a question and example of how adding a dependency injection to my AngularJS app did not seem to matter regarding my program running correctly.  The answer I got back was clear, but somewhat disconcerting.  Basically, the answer is that Angular takes care of the problem for me in development but when I move to production with minification, it will fail.  Well, that sucks on so many levels. Here is an example of code that shows the problem.

angular.module('svccApp', []);

angular.module(‘svccApp’). factory(‘bareService’, [

<span class="kwrd">function</span>() {
  <span class="kwrd">var</span> myValue = {};
  myValue.str1 = <span class="str">'xyz'</span>;
  <span class="kwrd">return</span> myValue;


angular.module(‘svccApp’) .controller(‘MyController’, MyController);

// WHY IS THIS NOT NECESSARY? //MyController.$inject = [‘$scope’, ‘bareService’];

function MyController($scope, bareService) { $scope.testVal = bareService.str1; }

As it turns out, there are actually 4 things I can see doing to help mitigate the issue of deploying buggy code you don’t know about. (answers included from my stackoverflow post mentioned above)

I like number 4 best.  below is my poorly written gulp task that does that as well as a screen shot of it finding an error.  It basically gives me the code to put back into my application so it will not fail again.

gulp.task('scripts', function (cb) {
<span class="kwrd">return</span> gulp.src([<span class="str">'scratchfiles/main.js'</span>])
    .pipe(jshint(<span class="str">'.jshintrc'</span>))
    .pipe(jshint.reporter(<span class="str">'default'</span>))
    .pipe(diff.reporter({fail: <span class="kwrd">true</span>}))
    .pipe(gulp.dest(<span class="str">'public/dist'</span>))
    .pipe(rename({suffix: <span class="str">'.min'</span>}))
    .pipe(gulp.dest(<span class="str">'public/dist'</span>))
    .pipe(notify({message: <span class="str">'Scripts task complete'</span>}));



When I run the task above, the gulp diff command stops and shows me what ngAnnotate added to my JavaScript.  Then, I can go and add that myself and then my gulp build will work and it will not generate any errors.

At the moment, I can’t figure out how to get this task to stop my gulp build process so I have to run this task by itself.  I’d love to hear how to fix that also.  This is all pretty new to me.

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