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Awesome Announcement Regarding Code Stars Summit (2 weeks from now)

Updated: at 12:29 AM
As most readers of my blog know, I organizer both Silicon Valley Code Camp (going on our 9th year now with dates set for 10/11-12/2014 again at Foothill College in Los Altos) and Code Stars Summit which is happening for the first time this year in San Francisco.   Code Stars Summit is a much smaller event (under 100 people) is a paid event with top quality workshop leaders doing all day training events.


Yesterday, we added the benefit that all attendees will get a 1 year subscription to Frontend Masters.  See the announcement below for details.
Breaking News: All attendees of Code Stars Summit will receive a free 1 year subscription to FrontEnd Masters catalog of online courses ($390 value).  FrontEnd Masters has courses in JavaScript, NodeJS, AngularJS, CSS, UI and others. Two of our Code Stars Summit workshop leaders (Crockford and Weyl) both have courses published on FrontEnd Masters and I've linked to those course video previews below.


Why are we offering this now? On my last email promoting Douglas Crockford's Fun with Functions workshop, Doug asked me include a preview of a 5 hour training video he did for FrontEnd Masters as a sample of what to expect at his workshop.  Many hundreds of you watched that video preview getting the attention of Marc Grabanski, FrontEnd Masters president.  Marc (a past attendee of SV Code Camp) called me and we came up with the plan to give all attendees of Code Stars Summit a free 1 year subscription to FrontEnd Masters.


Douglas Crockford On JavaScript Video Sample


Estelle Wehl CSS In Depth


Below are the three workshops in which we still have space.  Signup now to reserve your space.


Fun With Functions In JavaScript - Douglas Crockford- Friday - This hands-on workshop is about using functions and thinking with functions to take your JavaScript use to another level. This workshop will challenge you to do better and think differently. Are you game? WHAT WILL YOU LEARN Through a graduated series of problems, your knowledge of what is possible with JavaScript will grow exponentially. WHO SHOULD ATTEND Developers, Operations Engineers and Testers and anyone wanting to increase their skill in functions and JavaScript.


AngularJS End-to-End Application Development Workshop.  2 Days With Dan Wahlin - Tuesday & Wednesday - The course starts with an introduction to building Single Page Applications (SPA) and talks about the features AngularJS provides. From there you’ll learn about different aspects of the framework such as views and directives, controllers and routes, as well as factories and services. Along the way, different debugging techniques and tools are discussed, how different AngularJS components can be customized and shared with other components, and different JavaScript patterns that can be applied to applications to make them more maintainable. By the end of the workshop you’ll have walked through the process of building a Single Page Application (SPA) from end-to-end using AngularJS and be ready to apply that knowledge to applications you need to build.


CSS3: What you need to know.  Estelle Weyl - Thursday - Web development without image editing software, IDs or classes? What was impossible 5 years ago is almost simple to do with CSS3. Prototyping with CSS3 has made the development process fun again. Yes, there is new syntax to learn, and different browsers sometimes require slightly different markup, but the power is worth the pain. And, once you understand the syntax, there are tools so CSS3 isn't a memorization game. Improved development time, reduced maintenance costs, SEO, accessibility and site performance? What more could you ask for?
How about all of it, all in 1 day! In this full day workshop you will learn about the capabilities of CSS3, progressive design principles, time saving techniques, and debugging and development tools. Yes, we'll cover rounded corners, but this skills-based workshop will cover so much more, including selectors, fonts, media queries, performance, responsive features, background effects, gradients, animations, transitions and transformations.


Thanks again for your support and of course, feel free to email me with any questions.


Peter Kellner
Organizer and


PS: Please click on this link to add us to your address book and help our emails bypass your junk mail filters


code stars summit


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