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Using the ExtJS SimManager To Provide Mock JSON Data To a Store Proxy

Updated: at 02:13 PM

I’ve got an ExtJS Store defined as follows:

Ext.create('', {
                    storeId: 'testStore',
                    fields: ['codeCampYearId', 'title'],
                    autoLoad: true,
                    pageSize: 9999,
                    proxy: {
                        type: 'rest',
                        url: '/rest/SessionExt',
                        reader: {
                            type: 'json',
                            root: 'data'


I have some JSON data in a local file that I want to use and I don’t want to change the URL.  Using the ExtJS SimManager, I can make some simple code changes and my ExtJS ajax request will get redirected for me.  Below is the code that takes care of it.

    requires: [
    name: 'Fiddle',
getJsonData: <span class="kwrd">function</span> (dataLocation, whenFinishedExecuteThis) {
    <span class="rem">//return [{ id: 10, title: 'title1', codeCampYearId: 101 }, { id: 20, title: 'title2', codeCampYearId: 101 }];</span>
        url: dataLocation,
        success: <span class="kwrd">function</span> (response) {


launch: <span class="kwrd">function</span> () {

    <span class="kwrd">this</span>.getJsonData(<span class="str">'/Data/sessionext.json'</span>, <span class="kwrd">function</span> (theData) {
        <span class="kwrd">var</span> myData =;
            delay: 600
            <span class="str">'/rest/SessionExt'</span>: {
                stype: <span class="str">'json'</span>, <span class="rem">// use JsonSimlet (stype is like xtype for components)</span>
                data: myData

        Ext.create(<span class="str">'Ext.container.Viewport'</span>, {
            layout: <span class="str">'fit'</span>,
            items: [
                    xtype: <span class="str">'sessions'</span>

    Ext.create(<span class="str">''</span>, {
        storeId: <span class="str">'testStore'</span>,
        fields: [<span class="str">'codeCampYearId'</span>, <span class="str">'title'</span>],
        autoLoad: <span class="kwrd">true</span>,
        pageSize: 9999,
        proxy: {
            type: <span class="str">'rest'</span>,
            url: <span class="str">'/rest/SessionExt'</span>,
            reader: {
                type: <span class="str">'json'</span>,
                root: <span class="str">'data'</span>

    <span class="kwrd">var</span> myPanel = Ext.create(<span class="str">'Ext.grid.Panel'</span>, {
        title: <span class="str">'Session Data'</span>,
        store:<span class="str">'testStore'</span>),
        scroll: <span class="kwrd">true</span>,
        columns: [
            { text: <span class="str">'title'</span>, dataIndex: <span class="str">'title'</span>, flex: 1 },
            { text: <span class="str">'codeCampYearId'</span>, dataIndex: <span class="str">'codeCampYearId'</span> },
            { text: <span class="str">'id'</span>, dataIndex: <span class="str">'id'</span> },

    Ext.create(<span class="str">'Ext.container.Viewport'</span>, {
        layout: <span class="str">'fit'</span>,
        items: [



Hope this helps!

Check out the ORM (Object Relational Mapper) PRISMA. The database access method I use in all my projects