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Awesome Visual Tool For Working With GIT or HG

Updated: at 02:13 PM

When I switched my primary version control from SubVersion to GIT (actually, I switched to HG first but later moved to GIT when it seemed that is where most people I know went) I learned it using just the shell prompt (typing git status, etc.).  It gets really tricky really quickly and I would find myself spending lots of time looking at logs trying to figure out what to do.

My friend Ward Bell mentioned he had found a tool that he thought stood out above the rest called SmartGit/HG from syntevo .  Ward, never having steered me wrong before (well, maybe once, but let’s not talk about that) gave me inspiration to try the tool.  I did, I love it, and for the past year or so it has just gotten better and better with every release. 

Let me give you an example of the kind of thing I love about it.  I just create a new repository and did a few commits to the master branch.  Now, I want to create my own dev branch so I can continue to work and let others be stable.  So, I’m looking at my branch screen and this is what I see:


What’s really awesome is not only can I checkout from the top of my repository, but it is visually showing me my previous revisions and is going to let me just checkout a branch from any of those.  This means, it’s trivial to go back a version, make some changes, then go back on my development branch.

This is just awesome (and the tip of the iceberg of features)

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