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Adding Logout Button To NavigationView TitleBar in SenchaTouch 2 and Sencha Architect

Updated: at 11:18 PM


You would think this would be easy to do in Sencha Touch.  That is, you have something like what I have below, a conference presenter list, and you want a logout button on the title bar.


It turns out it’s not obvious.  Thank goodness for a comment in the SenchaTouch Doc comment section from @dgotty the solution presents itself.

The actual class definition is as follows:

Ext.define('CCApp.view.PresenterNavView', {
    extend: 'Ext.navigation.View',
    alias: 'widget.presenternavview',
requires: [
    <span class="str">'CCApp.view.Presenter'</span>

config: {
    autoDestroy: <span class="kwrd">false</span>,
    items: [
            xtype: <span class="str">'presenterlist'</span>
    navigationBar: {
        items: [
                xtype: <span class="str">'button'</span>,
                text: <span class="str">'Logout'</span>,
                align: <span class="str">'right'</span>,
                handler: <span class="kwrd">function</span>() {
                     <span class="kwrd">var</span> mainPanel = Ext.ComponentQuery.query(<span class="str">"toppanel"</span>)[0];
                    mainPanel.animateActiveItem(0,{type: <span class="str">'flip'</span> });
        docked: <span class="str">'top'</span>


Getting it into Sencha Architect is a little trickier.

What is needed it to create the items array, then past in the items code.  It looks like this.

