I wasted about 30 minutes wrestling with a EF CodeFirst type issue today. I was creating an attribute for what I wanted to be a large text field and not have it limited to 8092 bytes which what I incorrectly thought required it to be something like varbinary, text or image types. My CodeFirst code looks like this:
1: [Column(TypeName = "Text")]
2: public string MimeMessageFull { get; set; }
What got created in my SqlServer database is the following:
1: [MimeMessageFull] varchar(max) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
I kept changing things trying to make it text, image or varbinary with no success. Finally, I ran into this url:
which says clearly varchar(max) is the new image type.
So, there you have it. ntext,text and image are out!